Leigh Anne Boyd » Mrs. Boyd - School Social Worker

Mrs. Boyd - School Social Worker

I am the school social worker, Mrs. Boyd.  My role is to provide education and support to our students regarding their social and emotional needs so that they can be successful in school.  I provide in class lessons in all of the K-5 classrooms on coping skills, conflict resolution, and relationship skills.  For students in crisis, I am available to provide emotional and behavioral support.  I provide counseling through IEPs, 504s, and MTSS plans for students the team identifies to be in need.  Families can also reach out to me for support regarding community resources for their child.  I reach out by Talking Points to all families with information about classroom lessons, skills, and resources.  Families can always respond to my messages with individualized questions.  
Check out my Links page for access to my Google Classroom as well as many community resources you might find helpful.


Communication Styles for Kids - Passive Mouse, Assertive Dog, Aggressive Alligator

This visual describes the 3 styles of communication for the students to understand. Generally we want our children to express themselves respectfully, clearly, and confidentally - like our Assertive Dog.  The other two types generally are less effective and cause problems.  The Passive Mouse lacks confidence, is shy, and doesn't express their need directly either because they don't talk or they whine or complain.  The Aggressive Alligator style uses anger, bullying, pressuring, or putting others down to get what we want.  
This attachment includes versions in English, Spanish, Arabic, Khmer, Chinese, and Vietnamese.  If you require any additional languages please reach out to me at [email protected].

Feelings Thermometer Arabic

Here is the feelings thermometer I posted earlier translated into Arabic.
إليكم مقياس حرارة المشاعر الذي نشرته سابقًا مترجمًا إلى اللغة العربية.
'iilaykum miqyas hararat almashaeir aladhi nasharath sabqan mtrjman 'iilaa allughat alearabiati.

Feelings Thermometer Khmer

Here is the feelings thermometer I posted earlier translated into Khmer.
nih​ chea​ te mau metr​ arommo​ del​ khnhom​ ban​ banghoh​ moun​ nih​ b k​ chea​ pheasaea​ khmer .

Feelings Thermometer

This Feeling Thermometer relates to the  Zones of Regulation, showing how the Red Zone has the highest level of energy, while the Blue Zone has the lowest.  In order to get back to the Green Zone (where we have calm energy needed for school and positive relationships) we need skills to help us with our emotions.  This attachment has many coping skills that are helpful in each of the Zones.

Zones of Regulation - October SEL Lesson

What Are We Learning?
We are learning to categorize our feelings
into four colored Zones of Regulation. A
Zone is how we feel on the INSIDE, which
includes our emotions and energy.
Why Is It Important?
Grouping our feelings into the four
Zones makes it easier to understand,
talk about, and regulate them.
Talk with your students about these ideas and use the poster to help them identify which zone they are on the Feelings Thermometer and what coping skills might help.