Message from our Nurse

In cases when your child is sick, I would like to make the following recommendations.

Students should be kept home from school if experiencing ANY of the following symptoms and remain out of school until the symptoms have stopped for twenty-four (24) hours:

  1. Temperature of 100.0 or higher
  2. Diarrhea (3 consecutive loose bowel movements)
  3. Vomiting
  4. Suspicious, undiagnosed rash and/or itch
  5. Frequent, congested cough
  6. Yellow or green drainage from nose and/or eyes

A student who is seen by a physician and started antibiotics for a bacterial infection should stay out of school for twenty-four hours(24) after treatment has begun.

All incidences of communicable diseases such as chicken pox, head lice,impetigo,flu, strep throat, fifths disease, scarlet fever and herpes simplex should be reported to the school nurse.The student’s return to school will be discussed and planned at that time.

Frequent handwashing with soap and warm water is the best-proven way to prevent the spread of germs and infections. This practice should be enforced at home as well as at school in an effort to reduce the spread of germs and infections. Please call me in the health office at 270-8019 with any questions or concerns.

It truly is a pleasure to work with your children!